Equality and Diversity | Northern Ireland Law Commission
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Equality and Diversity

Equality Scheme

The Equality Scheme sets out how the NI Law Commission proposes to fulfil its statutory duties and was drawn up in accordance with Section 75 and Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and The Equality Commission guidelines. Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (the Act) requires public authorities, in carrying out their functions relating to Northern Ireland, to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and regard to the desirability of promoting good relations across a range of categories outlined in the Act.

The NI Law Commission drew up a new Equality Scheme based on the revised guidance issued by the Equality Commission and submitted to the Equality Commission in November 2011 in compliance with the timeframe set by the Equality Commission.

A public consultation exercise on the new Scheme from 27 June 2011 for a period of 15 weeks ensured that all relevant parties were provided the opportunity to contribute to the final version.

The Equality Scheme was approved by the Equality Commission on 24 April 2013

Equality of Opportunity

The NI Law commission (the Commission) is fully committed to the promotion of equality and good relations, as set out in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Commission takes into account equality issues throughout its Law Reform and internal services.

Projects and Internal Services.

Law Reform Projects

The Commission introduces equality considerations at the beginning of each law reform project and builds up its understanding of these issues through effective consultation throughout the course of the project - particularly working with groups representing the nine categories of Section 75. In this way the Commission can be confident that its law reform recommendations, and any draft legislation presented to the DOJ, are fully equality proofed and tested on the need to build good relations between persons of differing beliefs, political opinion or racial group.

Recruitment to the Commission

Recruitment to the Commission adheres strictly to Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) and HR Connect recruitment policies and procedures. These take full account of equal opportunities statutory obligations and best practice. All Commission recruitment panel members are given up to date recruitment and selection training.

Public procurement of services

The Commission procures its services through public tender exercises assisted by the Department of Finance and Personnel,  Central Procurement Directorate (CPD) where necessary. The Commission adheres carefully to the guidelines and procedures set down by CPD. These take full account of equal opportunities statutory obligations and best practice. Commission procurement panel members are given relevant equal opportunity training.

Related documents
Equality Scheme
Consultation on Draft Equality Scheme and Audit of Inequalities/Action Plan